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Thursday, March 24, 2011

sleeping in day! nope.... not really.

So i have now adjusted to the awesomeness of seeing the daylight when it's brand new.  Usually i get to see the sun after it's been out for a few... ok... more like five hours and it's kind of like showing up late for dinner.  It's good and you're glad you are there to enjoy it but.... you know it was so much better served fresh outta the oven/grill/kettle/pizza box/french fry bag.  So it has made my morning commute much more tolerable getting to see the sun brand new.  I ALSO get to listen to morning radio DJ zaniness, get to test my breaks (from the sudden stops on the freeway!) and enjoy fresh home brewed coffee!  A brand new sun and all that other stuff which is like gravy on the potatoes???  Totally kick ass!   It's hard to type sarcasm so i hope you are picking up on that.

This weeks basic goals were to just "keep on keeping on" and stay the course.  I have done that but what has really set in is how much i don't really work that much.  I'm a tad disgusted with how lazy i am....

I put things off, avoid doing them or just plain blow them off.  I have acted like I'm allergic to getting things done.  It's not hard stuff, just easier to let it go.  Whatever "IT" is that's in your life that needs to be addressed, address it.  I know it's easier, or at least you think it's easier, but it is not.  Trust me.  I have been dodging and ducking responsibility for a long time and in the short time i've been "facing the music" it has felt good.  Like something, no matter how small, is moving forward.  It's a good feeling.  One that i'm not used too.  One that i would like to get used too.  I know i'm wandering a bit off subject but frankly don't care (write your own damn blog!)   What i have sort of stumbled upon is the more you get your shit together, the more you WANT to get your shit together.  It's strange.  I have some things that have been hanging over me for years that i never felt the need to take care of.   Now i have an almost compulsion to get to these things and start checking them off.  I have attacked in the last two weeks three big things, i actually got up early today so i could get to them.  I'm telling you, i almost don't recognize the guy in the mirror which is ok.  Actually the guy in the mirror is looking pretty good... and maybe a touch younger too!

So now that i'm getting used to getting up early, I'm going to get used to getting things done early too.  Look out cel phone bill!  You are about to be paid BEFORE you're due!

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