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Friday, March 4, 2011

Geeet tooo da CHOPPA!

So this morning, as promised, i was better.  I got up nice and early (we are talking baby steps here!), went to the Arnold (I'll explain what that is), went and got a job (wait.... I did what?) and had a delicious cheeseburger. Other than the cheeseburger those were all things i wouldn't normally do so i'll call it a successful day 1.

Now... The Arnold Sports Classic or as it's known as in Columbus, Ohio: The Arnold.  It's a HUGE event hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger.  It takes up several buildings, arenas and every hotel in the tri-county area.  I mean huge.  It is (i believe) one of the largest sporting events in the world.  All different types of sports from body building (duh!) to gymnastics to martial arts and so on and so on....  Legend has it that there are over three times as many competing athletes as the olympics.  Mr. Schwarzenegger is always in attendance and addresses the the huge crowd at the closing ceremony.  I know i keep saying huge but it can't be stressed enough how freaking big this thing and it's attendees are.

I'm not a little guy.  I can tell you exactly how not little (I had the foresight to weigh myself this morning just in case this came up) 231lbs and at 5'11" (I did not measure my height this morning but feel very confidant that number has not changed) I'm relatively large, I mean, that's what my t-shirt says.  Actually it says "extra" just in case i was on the fence about my largeness...  However, compared to my fellow guests at the Arnold i was a very little man.  These guys (and gals!) had arms like my legs, legs like the big oak trees at the park and delts like wings off a friggin 747!  Never in my life had i wished that i owned a spray on tan salon.... until this morning that is!

All kidding aside, it's easy to poke fun at something you don't understand or don't "get" so i won't.  One look at my gut and pasty midwestern winter tan and i'm sure i was the one they were rolling their eyes at and blogging about: "Can you believe that one fat guy???  I mean, yeah, he was extremely handsome, but no muscle tone, no respect for his body and he even smelled like cigarette smoke!  What a weird-o."

So, that being said, I might not get what makes a body builder do what they do but i DO get that it takes an unbelievable level of dedication and commitment to mold and transform your body into an Adonis.  I was celebrating that i got up early.  For a one day streak.  Just early, no work out or food prep.  Just early.  My hat is off to you, my new friends (we're not really friends.... they don't like all my bad habits and they think I'm a bad influence) I don't get it, but it is awesome!

Ok... I've rambled enough.   As Arnold would say "Geet to the CHOPPA!"

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