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Sunday, November 20, 2011

keep your eyes open

I ended my blog yesterday saying i would try to catch Halley's comet next time.  That would be 2061... that's still a ways off and who knows if any of us will still be here let alone me!   I mean 2012 is right around the corner!  But I digress...

The original last sentence of yesterdays blog was this, "I never got to see Halley's comet and it is one of my biggest regrets of my misspent youth."  I don't edit a lot  or do a bunch of drafts (obviously!)  my usual method is write it, read it, fix a couple glaring errors then post it.  The "biggest regret" thing seemed a little too dramatic... i mean really?  Biggest regret?  So I cut it out.  Then it kind of bugged me all day that I never got to see it.  Then it started to bug me about the other things in  my life I could have seen but did not.

What you just read I wrote yesterday during the day then came home from a gig late last night and sat down to finish it. This is what I found when I woke up this morning.   I believe I got a little sleepy.  And hungry.

I'm not talking about the Grand Canyon (although I've never seen that either...)  but things like presidential inaugurations or Space shuttle launches.  Things that with a little effort I could have seen first hand.  I'm going to try and make an effort to do that kind of thing from now on.  I don't really know what that is but at the very least I will drive out to the the countryside the next time the weather man tells me there will be a meteor shower!  I'll even get a pizza.

I reallt dko love pizza.  I  ould eat it evry day if i was allowed.  THat and chheese burgrs.  I don't know why people like medum rar chheeseburgrs.  I thinks its gross!!!!!!  Man that guy tonight hwas crazy!  he kept starrring at me and airguutaring at me...   kinda creeeeped me out.

Ok well I gott to go to bed, I'll probbably call you tomoorrow.

*I found it this way this morning and decided not to touch it and just post it.  I have NO IDEA who i was writing to.  My best guess is my Mom because Sunday is our call day. Call ya later Ma!*

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