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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Remember to Breathe

So this week is a  Body Blog.  The monthly BB will be a new adventure for me.  I have a list of things I've always wanted to do and other things I've always enjoyed (yes, there will be a mountain biking BB so get over it!)  This month???  Drum roll please:  YOGA!

To be specific what I did was Hot Yoga.  If you are not familiar, it's yoga (duh) in a hot room, which was awesome on this particularly brisk snowy day.  The sensation of walking into a too hot room on one of the first snow covered twenty degree days of the season is... overwhelming.  My first thought was "Ain't no way I'll make it.  Too damn hot."  I did have a mat with me to nap on if needed and about a gallon of water so here we go!

I have done some yoga DVDs before but I have never had a live instructor OR (and this is important) witnesses to my non stretchy and non bendy awkwardness so, with some apprehension and an already forming bead of sweat on my brow, I unroll my mat take off any and all appropriate clothing I can and follow as best as I can!

Alexander Mcafee-Chang is a rock star yoga man.   He was brought into Shape Fitness by owner James McGuire to offer the hot yoga experience to his clients.  Well James, that was an awesome call!  He effortlessly guides rookies and veterans alike through an almost whimsical surreal experience.  Set to music (but not necessarily synced)  this is no new age "Sweating To The Oldies"* routine.  You focus on breathing through the motions.  Yes, I said that right.  You breathe through them.  You feel the power of simply inhaling and exhaling as you move from one position to next.  It is really mind blowing.  I have been working out in one way shape or form for over thirty years and have never felt the power of my breathing.

 In sweat, however, I am fluent.  Being a somewhat meaty fella I can sweat standing still at a bus stop in Chicago in February.  So, yes, I was sweating my ass off but the strange thing was I didn't really notice it.  Focusing on the movements, the music and breathing everything else just didn't really matter.  I didn't even drink that much water considering the intensity of the workout ....but that is really it.  It didn't  feel like a workout or some chore.   It was something different.  Almost freeing.

After the practice Alexander took a few minutes to share some thoughts with me.  If I had any kind of smarts or foresight I would have brought either A) some type of recording device (for example : the thing I'm currently typing on!) or B) something to write on....  I chose mystery door C) nothing but a sweaty yoga mat...  Alexander trusted me to paraphrase for him.  He' s a good man.

I started out with asking him to give me 5 things about yoga he would want both of my readers to know. What I got though was more of a dissertation on his passion for the practice (you don't do yoga, you practice yoga.  I didn't know that either!)  When Alexander speaks about yoga he lights up and becomes very animated.  He loves it and what it does to the body and spirit.  It's refreshing to be around someone who is passionate about what they do.  There is no "going trough the motions" with Alexander!  Some of the things he shared in his dissertation were that when practicing yoga you use all of your body's systems.  Skeletal, muscular, nervous, circulatory, digestive (it's recommended to eat lightly and a few hours prior to the practice.  That is good advice!) and all the other ones.  He said that the only other time your body uses all of its systems is during sleep.  I find that very interesting and maybe is a clue to why after such an intense "workout" you feel so refreshed.  Hmmm....

I asked him about some of the negatives or myths that surround the practice.  First thing that comes up is that it is not just for women!  Fellas!  Get your yoga mats to the studio and have the best workout, maybe, of your life!

Second thing was you don't have to be flexible to practice yoga.  The practice of yoga makes you flexible.  Ahhhh.... it's a "chicken and the egg" thing...

Lastly was it's not a religion.  It may feel spiritual and some religions embrace the practice but yoga in itself is not.

So ladies and Gents, if you find yourself in Columbus, OH,  look up my friend Alexander at Shape Fitness bring a water bottle and a good attitude.   You'll probably see me there, albeit sweaty! Best money you'll spend all day... week!


*  Sweating to the Oldies was a series of videos done by Richard Simmons in the 80's and were probably awesome but I have never actually seen one or sweat to an oldie.

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